(Updated in the Assembly of June, 11 2010)
Art. 1)
The Italian Society of Histochemistry holds to the International Federation of Societies for Histochemistry and Cytochemistry (IFSHC). During the Congress of the IFSHC, the Board of Directors must designate two members, one of whom with the right to vote, to represent it within the Federation.
Art. 2)
The “European Journal of Histochemistry” is the official journal of the Society (formerly Journal of Normal and Pathological Histochemistry, Basic and Applied Hystochemistry, and European Journal of Basic and Applied Histochemistry).
2.1 - The Company owns the publication and may entrust the task of printing, administrative management, and distribution to a publisher.
2.2 - The Editor-in-Chief and any Managing Editor are appointed by the Assembly on the recommendation of the Board of Directors and ensure the scientific management of the Journal.
2.3 - The Journal's Editorial Committee consists of the Board members in office and of at least 15 other Italians and foreign members who are elected every four years.
2.4 - EJH's Editor in Chief, or a delegate, is entitled to attend the Board of Directors meetings when matters concerning the Journal are discussed.
2.5 - The Editor in Chief may publish supplements relating to the proceedings of the Congress.
Art. 3)
The National Congress of the Society will be held every two years, except for the years in which the International Congress of the IFSHC falls.
3.1 - The topics of the Congress must deal with topics of Histochemistry or closely related to it.
3.2 - The location of the Congress is usually indicated by the Assembly or, in the absence of a resolution, by the Board of Directors.
3.3 - The Congress must take place, normally, in the period between the last two weeks of May and the first week of June.
3.4 - The duration of the scientific work of the Congress must not exceed two and a half days, without prejudice to the possibility of dedicating another day to satellite symposia or correlated events in accordance with the Board of Directors.
3.5 - The topics are proposed by the Assembly which can also delegate the Board of Directors.
3.6 - The Congress's President must be a member and must formalize his commitment to take on all related burdens.
3.7 - The organization and scientific aspects must be previously concerted with the Board of Directors.
3.8 - No financial support is provided from the Society except, where possible and only on the indication of the Board of Directors, the disbursement of any extraordinary contributions for the proceedings' publication.
3.9 - The Proceedings of the Congress must be published in English by the organizers, preferably in the EJH. The issue must be distributed to the participants of the Congress. The Proceedings in any case must be accompanied at least by an index of authors, have a legally recognized status and an adequate editorial location, approved by the Board of Directors.
3.10 - All Members may submit an abstract to the Congress according to the number and formality established. The Board of Directors, in agreement with the Local Organizing Committee and with the Editor-in Chief of the EJH, may in any case reserve the right do not consider abstracts with scientific content inappropriate or not relevant to the proceedings' publication.
3.11 - At the specific invite of the EJH editorial board, one or more scientific contributions may be published “in extenso” in the Journal if in agreement with the 'Instructions for Authors'.
3.12 - Upon declaration of the Board of Directors, the Italian Society of Histochemistry may occasionally carry the costs of publishing a precise number of pages of the Proceedings by invitation.
Art. 4)
For the voting operations for the Board of Directors, four scrutineer Members will be appointed. They will check the social position of the members, follow the ballot casting process, vote counting and tallying, and communicate the results to the Assembly, preparing the related document as an integrant part of the Assembly' record.
4.1 - Only Members in good standing with the payment of dues can vote.
4.2 - Voting operations must have a suitable duration and extend to at least part of two sessions. The election of the Board of Directors must be carried out by secret vote.
4.3 - The new Board of Directors will take office on January 1st of the year following that of nomination.
4.4 - The Board meetings may also be held electronically, subject to the written approval of the record by the participants.
Art. 5)
The ousted member may be readmitted upon written request for re-association and only after having paid at least part of the outstanding fees.